Here, are some of the biggest villains in the world of a car's paint, and some suggestions to undo or avoid their harm.
Bugs, tree sap, and of course, bird dung all have three things in common. They can all fall from the sky, they're all nightmares for any motorist who's proud of his or her car's new exterior style, and offers some quick fixes for each. For tree sap and splattered bugs, it is recommended to apply a bug and tar remover as soon as possible. For bird mess, unfortunately, you're going to have to get your hands dirty and clean it off immediately.
Car Washes
The experts at advise strongly against going to a regular car wash, especially one that runs your vehicle through large brushes. Library of Logic points out that there's no way of telling how recently the brushes were cleaned, and if it's been a while, anything that was wiped off a previous car could easily find its way onto yours.
But in a worst case scenario where you absolutely, positively don't have time to wash your car yourself, tells its readers to go to a no-touch car wash, and tip attendants heavily. That's really the only way to improve their chances of not leaving any marks.
Gasoline Spillage
Unfortunately, one of the worst risks to paint is presented by something that's vital to its functioning. Gasoline, if it falls on paint and is left there for even a short period, gas can do notable aesthetic damage. Apply a product like Instant Detailer with a fresh microfiber cloth to wash off gasoline, ideally, the instant after it touches the paint.
Wiping in a Circle - Not
While cleaning your car in your driveway, it is import to drag the cloth across the car's surface in straight lines, as opposed to circles. Pressing a cloth too hard against a paint job can leave scratches either way, but circle scratches tend to stand out more. For automotive paint jobs that need a bit of a touch up, go on back to your auto body shop. They will be happy to repair car paint issues that you can't address on your own.
DIY Resources:
Teds Woodworking
Created by Ted McGrath, "Teds Woodworking" is one of the most popular woodworking plans and projects packages online today.
More info here
Furniture Craft Plans
Over 9,000 premium woodworking furniture and craft plans that you can easily follow at home.
More info here
Home Made Power Plant
There are some other guides for DIY wind and solar generators, but all of those that I've read don't get into the same details.
More info here
My Boat PLans
My Boat Plans is a comprehensive collection of 518 boat plans, 40 videos and about 500 pages of boat building guides.
More info here
Chickens 4 Wealth
Absolutely everything you need to know to get started with backyard chickens and produce your own eggs.
More info here

About the Author
Jillynn Stevens, Ph.D., MSW is a writer and the Digital Marketing Content Director at Be Locally SEO where she is passionate about helping small and medium sized businesses expand their online presense and realize unprecedented success.
Article Source: How to Protect your Car's Awesome New Paint Job
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