Tuesday, January 21, 2014

DIY Termite Control

 A quick review of:
Ultimate Termite Control

Readers of my blog are always asking me where they can find a step-by-step book or guide on solve their termite problems.

I always answer with: “pretty much anywhere!”

It’s true – there are tons of websites on termite control, by a variety of so-called “pest control experts”.
The problem is that there is so much conflicting information and advice out there on the topic of termite control and removal, that it’s hard to know where to turn or who to trust.

There is one book, however, that I have used in the past to great success. It has never failed to help get rid of the terrible termite pest, whenever they happened to crop up.

It’s called Ultimate Termite Control, written by Harry Procter – a person who has had a long history dealing with termites.

In it, you’ll find literally everything you need to know about how to properly treat and protect yourself against termites.

Here’s what his website says about what’s inside the book (I can vouch for the fact that everything he claims is included, plus a lot more):

* The NO.1 Method for getting rid of termites.
There’s a lot of confusion about what is the best termite treatment available. I’ll give you a run-down of the different techniques available and reveal the best way of beating back the termites (I spent countless hours and thousands of dollars trying to discover this alone). Detailed inside are solutions to the problems of Drywood, Subterranean and Formosan termites.

* The DIY Solution:
Save thousands of $$$ on termite treatment costs by taking care of termite treatment by yourself (a must for those on a budget as some anti-termite techniques cost a bomb, whereas pest control fees can run into the thousands!)

* Future Proof Your House & Garden.
After showing you my how-to techniques for removing termites I’ll also give you step-by-step information on how you can easily protect yourself against these creatures from ever returning to your house again.

* Exterminator truths revealed
What you need to know if you’re calling in a pest control company for an inspection. I’ll show you how to prevent yourself from getting ripped off, how to negotiate prices, how to get free termite inspections, what questions you need to ask, how to prepare for extermination, what techniques and chemicals should be used and much more!

* The NATURAL and ORGANIC methods for getting rid of termites.
Have children? Cats & dogs? Vegetables growing in your garden? Then you might want to get rid of termites naturally so that nothing left behind is toxic to your family, pets or plants.

* Anti-Termite Product reviews.
I’ll show which products are safe and can be trusted whilst also letting you know what’s toxic, damaging to your health and should be avoided at all costs. And I’ll tell you the cheapest places for buying these solutions.

* Termites in the Garden?
Protect your trees, garden sheds and vegetables from an insect onslaught that can wreck havoc to your backyard. Plus how you should treat termites that are outside your home differently from those inside your house.

* Are you buying, selling or renting a place that you suspect has termite damage?
I’ll show you how to find evidence of termites in any house, what the law says about termite damage, an explanation on termite bonds & wdo inspections, how landlord’s can be persuaded to solve your termite problems, how much living in a termite infested area will cost you, what you need to disclose when selling a house infested with termites and much more!

* Worried about furniture?
Have any antiques? I’ll show you how to protect your chairs, tables, wardrobes and more. This is the most effective and durable way of preventing termites from chewing through your possessions.

* PLUS much more!

What I also like about the book is the price.

It’s only $17, but it’s saved me thousands in terms of protecting my house and saving on those pest control bills, plus it has saved hours upon hours of time over the years.

My newsletter goes out to thousands of people each and every month, so I know my reputation is on the line whenever I recommend something – but this is one of those resources that I’m excited to stand behind.

You can check it out here

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