Get organized from the start.
It is really much easier to get organized right from the get go. Gather everything you’ll need and place it all in a tool station in the middle of the area to be painted. This will include paint, brushes, rollers, paint trays, rags, drop cloths, hammers, screwdrivers, plastic wrap, painter’s tape, masking tape, plastic bags, stirring sticks, speckling for patches or holes in walls, speckling tools, and a paint can opener.
Plan two days – one for prep and one for painting
If you plan two days for the work, you won’t be rushed trying to do everything in one. Use the first day to move as much of the furniture and other stuff that is in the room to be painted out of the room. What cannot be moved out should then be moved into the centre of the room and completely covered with a sturdy drop cloth. Tape the edges of the drop cloth to the floor so no paint can get on the furniture. Place a second old sheet over the drop cloth. Cover the floor with more drop cloths and tape them down. Use blue painter’s tape to tape the edges of all windows and around doors. Patch any cracks or holes. Remove light bulbs from ceiling or wall fixtures and cover the fixtures with large plastic bags and tape them tightly closed.
Take off all the hardware.
While it may seem easier to paint around the cabinet hinges and door knobs, it won’t be. Paint will drip and it won’t all come up, so just take the door knobs, and door hinges, light switch plates, outlet covers, light fixtures, etc. off and place them all in separate zip loc bags. Be sure and keep all the right bits and pieces with each other in the correct bag and clearly mark the location and contents on each bag with a marker. Don’t put them back on until the paint is completely dry.
Dress yourself.
It is inevitable, you will get paint on yourself, so dress the part. Do not wear jewelry and wear old, comfortable clothes that you will not mind getting paint all over. Wear slip on shoes that you can step out of to leave the room when you need to go to other parts of the house. This way there will be no paint tracked into the rest of the house. When painting high or when painting the ceiling wear a scarf, hat or shower cap on your head. If you wear glasses, put some plastic wrap over the lenses.
Fix the walls.
Do not paint over cracks or holes in the walls. It doesn’t take much time to fix a hole or a crack and if it is painted over, it will eventually show through. If you don’t know how to do a repair, you can get help and advice from the personnel at a hardware store or a home centre. Spackle will fill small holes and cracks and large holes and wide cracks can be bridges with fibreglass tape. There are texturizing products which will match existing wall finishes and which then can be painted over.
Now you’re ready to paint. Choosing the right paint and the right color are the next steps to making this weekend project happen.
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