Attempting to replace all of the hardware on the piece of furniture can also cause a problem if the hardware is discontinued. With luck and perseverance, the replacement for the original hardware can be located through the original seller or manufacturer, but it cannot be expected that they have ample storage space to stock discontinued items.
Luckily, the availability of new hardware that will compliment the discontinued piece of furniture can be found because of the popularity of reproduction hardware. This makes it easy to match the new design with the manufacture era of the piece of furniture.
When looking for a replacement for the discontinued furniture hardware, examine the furniture surface that hardware removal has exposed. Any signs of ageing can be covered up by choosing the new hardware in approximately the same shape and size as the original. You don't want new hardware installed with a ring of darker or lighter furniture showing around it. That would ruin the entire look.
Some furniture hard ware is attached to the piece of furniture by screws inserted from the back. When replacing the hardware, you'll have to use screws that go through the width of the wood and into the new piece of hardware. This enables the hardware to attach with no visible screws or nails, leaving a clean, sleek look that is not hampered by messy installations.
Others are attached by tiny nails or screws from the front of the piece of hardware. These screws or nails will be shorter as they will not go all the way through the wood. Once the type of hardware and size is identified, make sure the centres for handles and pulls match. This is the length between the centres of the two screws that hold the piece of hardware in place. You must carefully measure the distance between the centres of the two screws so that the same holes can be used for the replacement hardware. This will eliminate causing further damage to the piece of furniture by the need of drilling additional holes.
Digital Woodworking Resources:
Furniture Craft Plans
Over 9,000 premium woodworking furniture and craft plans that you can easily follow at home. More info here
My Shed PLans
My Shed Plan is a complete guide that explains how you can build a beautiful shed from scratch. More info here
Teds Woodworking
Created by Ted McGrath, "Teds Woodworking" is one of the most popular woodworking plans and projects packages online today. More info here
Learn more about cabinet resurfacing and cabinet hardware when you visit our site. MyKnobs.com is here to offer you with the largest selection of decorative hardware found anywhere online.
Article Source: Replacing Old Discontinued Furniture Hardware
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