Friday, February 13, 2015

DIY Techniques for Installing Your Own Mirrors

DIY Techniques for Installing Your Own Mirrors
A full-size mirror that allows you to see yourself from top to toe is an absolute necessity in most dressing rooms. If you don't have a dressing room, you will need a full-size framed mirror for your bathroom or bedroom when you're dressing for a special party or formal occasion. Installing a framed mirror in any part of your home is not as complicated as it seems.

With a few DIY tips and the help of a friend, you should be able to set it up yourself. You can either buy a framed mirror of the size you need and install it where you want it. Or you could buy a plain mirror without a frame, attach it to your wall and build your frame around it.

Working with Frameless Mirrors
If you're using a frameless mirror, prepare the surface of the wall or wardrobe door. Clean the surface and paint a base coat that matches the specific mastic you're working with. Mastic is the special glue that is used to attach mirrors, though, you could also use mirror clips. Experts prefer to use mastic for a smoother finish. Only make sure that the mastic is suited to the type of surface. You could be working on a painted wall, plaster, drywall or wood.

Next measure the length of the mirror and with a pencil to mark out the top edge of the area where you want the mirror. Use a level to make sure the line is even. Remember to raise the mirror off the floor enough to accommodate the frame. Use a plumb bob on both corners to get straight edges up to the floor. Once you have the outline in place, simply affix the mirror. Remember to follow the instructions that come with the adhesive you're using. That way, you will know how long you need to hold the mirror in place until it is stuck firmly.

Whether you're installing a framed mirror in the bathroom or the bedroom, you can pick out the frame that matches your decor perfectly. You will need four pieces of frame or molding, two shorter ones for the top and bottom and two longer ones for the sides. Cut the frame to the specific length using a miter saw that gives you a perfect 45 degree angle finish.Next, attach the frame to the mirror using a strong adhesive specially suited for mirrors. You could also choose to nail the frame in place but you need to be very careful you don't crack the mirror. You also have the option of fixing a basic edging all around your mirror and fitting the frame on that edging.

There is always the possibility that your joints don't quite sit properly and there are some gaps. You will need to use caulk to fill them in. Fill some caulk into a caulking gun and spray it on like you would use whipped cream. Smooth away the excess with a wet finger and let it dry. If needed, you can always touch it up with matching paint. And you have the perfect full-size framed mirror. Take your pick from the unbelievable range of framed mirror designs that are available and have fun with them.

Working with Framed Mirrors
Working with pre-framed mirrors is a lot more simpler. As far as possible, try to fix your mirror on a wall stud so it is more secure. Wall studs are the vertical beams that form the framework for your wall. However, this may not always be possible because most studs are 12 to 16 inches apart. Like you would fix a frameless mirror, mark out the section of the wall where you want your mirror with a plane, pencil and plumb bob. There are a numbers of options for affixing DIY framed mirrors and you can take your pick from clips, rods or frames, heavy wires, d-rings and so on.

DIY Resources:

Teds Woodworking
Created by Ted McGrath, "Teds Woodworking" is one of the most popular woodworking plans and projects packages online today.
More info here

Furniture Craft Plans
Over 9,000 premium woodworking furniture and craft plans that you can easily follow at home.
More info here

Home Made Power Plant
There are some other guides for DIY wind and solar generators, but all of those that I've read don't get into the same details.
More info here

My Boat Plans
My Boat Plans is a comprehensive collection of 518 boat plans, 40 videos and about 500 pages of boat building guides.
More info here

Chickens 4 Wealth
Absolutely everything you need to know to get started with backyard chickens and produce your own eggs.
More info here

If you are looking for framed mirrors in Austin, Texas, your first choice should be Texas Custom Mirrors. They have this exciting range of oversized framed mirrors that you can choose from. Take your pick from the DIY range or request for their installation services that are among the best in Texas.

Article Source: DIY Techniques for Installing Your Own Mirrors

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