You will also need to decide on what kind of wood bleach is right for the job. If you have ink stains or stains caused by chemical refinishers you will use a mild bleach solution. If you have dark rings and black spots, mostly caused by water damage, then an oxalic acid cleaner is what your looking for. If you need to lighten or remove old stains then a two-part hydrogen peroxide solution is what you will use. This last technique is what this article is going to cover.
You are going to need some materials and tools before you start.
- Two-part Hydrogen Peroxide (sold in paint stores)
- Pale of hot water
- Pale of rinsing water
- Vinyl or rubber gloves
- Stirring sticks
- Rags
- Two sponges
- 280-grit extra fine sandpaper
- Safety glasses
- Mixing container
- Drop cloth
- Dust mask
- Tack cloth
- Paint brushes
Place your wood project on a drop cloth, this will protect the floor surface and catch any spills that occur. At this point your should have already removed the old finish and the wood should be dry. Start sanding in the direction of the wood grain to remove excess oil and debris. Take your time now and use a dry paint brush to sweep away the dust. After the paint brush use a tack cloth and rub it over the surface making sure not to miss a spot.
Step two:
You can purchase the two-part hydrogen peroxide at your local paint store. Make sure to mix the bleach exactly how the manufacturers instructions tell you to. Apply the solution using a sponge to broad areas and use a paint brush to get into the smaller areas and seams. Then apply the neutralizing agent, again follow the manufactures instructions for neutralizing the bleach and cleaning it from the wood surface.
Step three:
Use a sponge to apply a vinegar solution to make sure the bleach is completely neutralized. Next use a sponge and water to clean the surface just make sure not to use too much water or neutralizing solution that it saturates the wood.
Step four:
Let the wood surface dry completely for at least two days.
Step five:
When the wood is completely dry, use a fine grit sand paper(280-grit) to gently sand the surface. Brush off the dust with a dry paint brush and tack cloth as you did in step one.
Now you are ready to apply your new stains, topcoats, or varnish as you see fit.
Safety Warning:
Whenever you use any kind of bleaching technique, always make sure you have quick access to clean water for spills and splatters. Always wear goggles, gloves, long sleeve shirts to cover skin,and protective mask. If bleach does come in contact with your skin wash with water immediately and if you get it in your eyes seek medical attention. This also brings up the point of never working alone, always have someone around in case of emergencies. Work in well ventilated areas, dispose of rags, paint brushes, and sponges according to the environmental regulations in your area. Store your unused bleach properly when not in use.
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Article Source: Use a Wood Bleach To Lighten and Remove Stains
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