Protect your mattress by laying it with linings and mattress pads before you make your bed with fresh sheets so that the dirt is reduced to the minimum by the time it reaches your mattress. The great thing about these protective layers is that you can actually wash and reuse them. Keeping the dirt and germs off the mattress itself will ease the process of keeping your bed clean and fresh.
Change your sheets regularly to avoid the accumulation of dusts, germs and dirt. Wash the sheets with bleaching agents, and in the hottest setting on your washer to kill any tough germs. Scrub and apply stain removers to get rid of stains on the sheets. After washing, throw your sheets into the dryer for a final heating session to make sure that all the germs did not have a chance to survive and make it back to your mattress.
Flip your mattress periodically so that your mattress retains its shape. By flipping your mattress also ensures that it does not accumulate dusts or dirt.
Bicarbonate of Soda is a neat agent to use if you want a clean mattress. Start by sprinkling generous amounts of baking soda on your bare mattress and let it sit for at least 6 hours, although leaving it in for the whole day would be better. Baking soda has the ability to draw out the dirt, stains, bad smells and even moisture, let it sit for as long as you can so it can work its magic. Vacuum the mattress thoroughly after the wait, and do try to get all the baking soda out of the mattress, or else you will have to sleep and wake up in a bed of "snow".
Sun your mattress half yearly. By airing your mattress, you can get rid of bugs that manifest in damp and dark conditions. Bring your mattress outside and let it sit under the sun for about 6 hours, or more. Remember to keep your mattress dry at all times as damp mattress encourages the growth of bugs and germs!
Spray it! Spraying your mattress with cleaning agents can help get rid of odors as well as kills the germs that might be inhabiting under your mattress. It not only gets rid of odors and germs, it can provide your mattress with a fresh look and feel!

De Hygienique's revolutionary mattress cleaning services is completely dry, convenient, effective and uses natural biodegradable cleaning compound that can be done in your premise.
Article Source: 6 DIY Tips for Mattress Cleaning
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