Or maybe you want to hire this project out after saving all that money, making your own tiles.
Check out my other article for making concrete tile; this article will talk about installing the tile.
Attach your new tiles as you would tiles from the DIY store. Use the proper mortar and grout for concrete tiles.
You will need a strong base that does not move. Placing the tile on a concrete slab works the best, make sure if there are any expansion joints in the slab, you will need to have a seam in your tile or they will crack when the slab moves.
Backer board can be used on top of your subfloor. Make sure to use half-inch or thicker board and tape and mud the joints of the backer board.
Use at least a half inched notched trowel to lay your mud on the floor, and it is best to also butter the back of the tile. If you plan on using a light colored grout use the white thin set to set your tile in.
To cut the tile, rent a tile saw that uses a diamond blade and water to cut. In my experience they will cut very nicely. You may want to consider cutting some in half and using them as your baseboard stuck to the wall. I finished a room like this and it looked great.
After all tiles are in place let them dry overnight and then you can start grouting.
I actually mixed my own grout with 3 parts sand to 1 part Portland cement and added a pigment to complement my tile. Make sure you wipe off the grout from the face of the tiles before it dries or you won't get it off later.
I like to work in small areas when grouting and wash the tiles as I go along, so it doesn't get ahead of me and dries to the tile.
Let the grout dry over night and then seal the tile and grout, this will make them extra tough, You may want to seal your floor every year with a mop, check and see what the manufacture recommends.
The patterns that you use to lay your floor are only limited to your imagination, so enjoy your new floor!
DIY Resources:
Teds Woodworking
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Home Made Power Plant
There are some other guides for DIY wind and solar generators, but all of those that I've read don't get into the same details.
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My Boat PLans
My Boat Plans is a comprehensive collection of 518 boat plans, 40 videos and about 500 pages of boat building guides.
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Chickens 4 Wealth
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Article Source: How to Install Your Handmade Concrete Tiles
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