Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How To Build A Tesla Coil

How To Build A Tesla Coil
High Voltage Tesla Coil Experiment

Creating your own Tesla home energy device can be a great project for your kids if you want to use it as a project at a school science fair, just have something to bring the family together, or use a Tesla coil to actually power your home.

Although the last point seems radical, people are starting to build these free energy devices just for this purpose, and you'd be shocked at the results! It really is true that you can build a Tesla coil for less than $100, and use it to power several home devices, but the tricky part is getting an understanding of the parts and knowledge together.

Nikola Tesla was a famous inventor who went through some troubling times, but in 1891 produced the first ever coil that would make him a household name. However, only a century later are we finally waking up to what his true intentions were and starting back up again -- free energy.

His dream was to completely banish the dreaded power companies and truly create energy to power people's homes that wouldn't cost them a dime. Although the electric companies silenced Tesla, they didn't achieve this with the population.

Building a Tesla coil isn't hard, nor is it particularly dangerous, but before you begin, here are the most important things you need to think about first.

1. It's important that you can understand the names and functions of each part. Chances are you aren't an electrical engineer, and you don't need to be to make a Tesla coil. Regardless, you need to go over the right kind of information until you have a good understanding of how it works in theory.

2. Getting the parts list together is the next step. The pieces that make a Tesla coil work aren't expensive. There are alternatives, and you'd be surprised at how many of the parts you can find in your own hardware store. The important thing is to use the right guide that will show you how to do this on a budget and then assemble them.

3. Determining what your needs will require is also a must. You need to have a clear cut picture of what you will build a Tesla coil for. How many devices do you expect to support? any problem issues with the layout of your home? A good instruction manual or book can answer these questions for you.

4. Finally, it's important that you assemble the whole device in the right order, and understand any common problem areas with assembly. The right guide can show you how to do this and especially what tools you will need.

For more info on how to build your own Tesla coil, click here!

Article Source: How To Build A Tesla Coil

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