Saturday, December 27, 2014

Shed Building - How to Avoid the 7 Biggest Mistakes When Building Your Shed

Shed Building - How to Avoid the 7 Biggest Mistakes When Building Your Shed
Shed building takes time, money and effort to build - you want to ensure you end up with a shed that meets your needs and expectations, and is pleasing to the eye.

As with all things, there are many pitfalls to building a shed.

We are going to discuss the 7 biggest mistakes people can make when building a shed.

Mistake Number 1

Check your zoning ordinances, and make sure you have the go ahead, and that you comply with your local building regulations. This applies whether or not you use shed kits - manufacturers of shed kits cannot be held responsible if you choose a shed kit which you are not authorized to build. You don't want to build your perfect shed, only to be told to take it down by your local authorities. Of all the 7 biggest mistakes to avoid shed building, this one is key.

Mistake Number 2

You don't take your level of expertise into account - it's no good setting your heart on building the perfect shed, when you don't have the woodworking experience to complete the project, so it's important to pick a design which you have the skills to execute successfully. Here shed kits can prove invaluable - they cater to every level of expertise, and can ensure you avoid many common mistakes when building your shed.

Mistake Number 3 You want to make sure your shed can be used for your purposes. A common mistake people make when building their sheds is not to plan ahead. What do you need a shed for? How much space do you need? Is the doorway big enough to get things in and out of? Do you need windows? If you use a shed kit, make sure you have taken all these shed building factors into account, because you won't be able to make changes to the design.

Mistake Number 4

You want your shed to be durable and weather-proof - it doesn't help if it starts leaking after the first big storm. Don't use poor quality construction materials. An inexpensive shed kit may seem like a really good deal initially - but if it doesn't last for more than a season, leaks, and weathers quickly, then your bargain can turn into something expensive and troublesome - particularly if items in the shed are damaged by water leaks. It's not easy to fix a poorly constructed shed made with cheap materials - you will probably have to replace it. If you are going to use a shed kit, use a reputable supplier who guarantees the construction material. This way, you will avoid making one of the biggest of the 7 common mistakes in building your shed.

Mistake Number 5

A shed should blend into, or enhance your property. You don't want to construct a shed only to produce an eyesore which does not fit in esthetically with your home. The shed is going to be there for a long time, so choose a design which complements your property, and enhances it. There are many shed kits available on the market - so if you are going to use one, take the time to research all your options, so that your shed is pleasing to the eye, as well as functional.

Mistake Number 6

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when building your shed is to decide on plans, set aside a week end, and then find you do not have enough of the right materials, or the right tools. Before you start, make sure you assemble everything you need to complete the job. Using a shed kit can help you to avoid this mistake - you will have everything you need in the shed kit, and if any additional tools are required, they will be mentioned. This will save you a lot of frustration, and running up and down to the supply store.

Mistake Number 7

Not getting value for money! When you build your shed, make sure you get the best value for your money. If you use a shed kit, remember - the cheapest is not necessarily the best value for money. Look for quality and durability,

If you follow these guidelines, whether you build from scratch, or use a shed kit, you will avoid the 7 biggest mistakes you can make in shed building!

To build the perfect shed first time, I recommend you check out  "My Shed Plans"  where you can get the exact shed plans and blueprints that make it easy to build your own shed!

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